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 Training on Cyber Laws     25-Feb-11 9:00 am     


A training on cyber laws for judges was arranged at the Sindh Judicial Academy, Karachi, wherein certificates were distributed by the Honourable Mr. Justice Mushir Alam, Chief Justice of Sindh High.


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Mr. Tariq Bilal, Advocate Supreme Court and Legal Advisor to the National Response Centre for Cyber Crimes (NR3C) giving an overview of the legal provisions on cyber crime legislation in Pakistan 

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Hon'ble Mr. Justice Mushir Alam, Chief Justice, Sindh High Court addressing the judges 

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Mr. Justice (Retd.) Saleem Akhtar, Director General Sindh Judicial Academy addressing on the occasion 

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Mr. Muzammil Aftab, Technical Advisor Pakistan Air Force, giving tips on how to avoid becoming a victim of cyber crime 

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A group of the participants with the honoured Chief Guest and resource persons. 

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Miss Janna Kazim, Representative, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, sponsors for the event 

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A group of the participants with the honoured Chief Guest and resource persons. 

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A group of the resource persons with the honoured Chief Guest 

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