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 Protecting Women through Law     03-Dec-15 9:00 am     


Protecting Women through Law


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Syed Ali Zafar, President Supreme Court Bar Association of Pakistan, was the Chief Guest on the occasion 

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Mr. Jamshed M. Kazi, Country Representative Pakistan UN Women, addressing 

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H.E. Mr. Jean-Francois Cautain, Ambassador & Head of Delegation of the European Union addressing the enthusiastic crowd 

Shahzadi Samreen Tariq, Advocate High Court and General Secretary SERL represented the host organization 

Miss Yanthe Cornelissen from UN Women gave a presentation jointly with Miss Jagoda Walorek on International obligations of Pakistan vis-a-vis the legal protection of Women 

Mrs. Nudrat Kamran, gave an overview of the women rights situation in Pakistan 

Miss Jagoda Walorek from UNODC gave a presentation jointly with Miss Yanthe Cornelissen on International obligations of Pakistan vis-a-vis the legal protection of Women 

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Mr. Tariq Bilal, Advocate Supreme Court, briefly presented the various laws in Pakistan related to women 

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Mr. Abdul Aziz Chaudhry, Advocate Supreme Court of Pakistan explained the Importance of protection extended by Criminal Laws to women in view of the recent amendments to law 

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Mr. Saeed Akhtar Chughtai, Advocate High Court gave a presentation on Gender Inequality in Pakistans Tax Regime 

Ms. Grace A. David, Programme Officer, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung delivered the Welcome Address 

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Mr. Muhammad Shoaib Shaheen, Vice Chairman, Islamabad Bar Council, addressing the audience on the occasion 

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Mr. Muhammad Khashih ur Rehman, Additional Draftsman, Ministry of Law and Justice discussed the importance of the National Commission on the Status of Women 

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Mr. Mahmoor Ashraf, Advocate High Court gave a presentation on the Rights of Women in the light of case law 

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Mr. Muzammil Aftab highlighted the Areas still needing legislation on women 

Ms. Yasmin Akhtar conducted the proceedings 

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